We dare, Lord, to address you this prayer
with humility, recognising whom we are,
but with the confidence of knowing that you are our Father.
One day more, like today,
we want to bless your name.
Thank you, Father God, for life, for our life and all our lives.
We are sorry for the little attention we normally give you.
You should be the constant centre of our attention,
and the response of our fragile affection to your infinite love.
Our prayer cannot consist
of continuously asking for graces and gifts,
our prayer must be a pure action of thankfulness
for all you have given us
and for the mystery of your presence in us.
We want to proclaim now to all the world that you are good,
that you holy and our God, holy and Lord of the earth,
that you accompany us always and you are always present, Father,
in our struggles and anxieties
for the implantation of your Kingdom.
Memorial of the Lord's Supper
We thank you for having revealed yourself in Jesus,
the best guide to reach You.
We decide in favour of Jesus, because he has words of eternal life,
because your good news makes us cheerful and enthusiastic.
We know we are your dear children
and the message that another more humane world is possible.
We are convinced that Jesus spent his life doing good
and preaching fraternal love,
backing his good words by good deeds.
We admire Jesus, who lived in a continued relationship wiith you
and this prayer was translated into an intense life of service.
Thank you, holy Father, for the marvellous example of Jesus
whose dedication up to his death we now remember.
Invocation to the Spirit of God
We know and proclaim, Father God,
that your son Jesus lived up to the ultimate consequences
of the spirit of that prayer that he taught us to pray.
Therefore, we want to say to you today, in a more meaningful way, our Father.
And this "our" must be neither exclusive nor elitist,
it must also integrate those who live in total abandon,
obliging ourselves to look after them as brothers.
We want all languages of the world
to respect you and bless your name,
whatever the name with which they call you.
Together we want to make the world a better place
where no one is exploited and where everyone is fed
and in this way the dream of your kingdom can become reality
and your will may be accomplished amongst us.
It revolutionises our ways of being and doing
and teaches us, once and for all, to share
our house and our bread
with those who suffer needs and are hungry.
In the way you forgive us in advance,
we don't want to feel ourselves offended by any brother.
Channel our energies along the path of good works,
and free us and everyone, Father, from all evil,
from all oppressin and injustice.
Through Jesus, and in his company,
we give you thanks and we bless you.
Rafael Calvo Beca