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Thank you, Father God, because you are Love and Communion

and you sow in us

feelings of brotherhood and solidarity.

Throughout this community,

which we form about your name,

with the help of each of us,

we are going to discover your ways

and find the courage and strength to follow them.

Thank you, Father, because you are giving meaning

to our lives,

since when we open them to others

we become more human.

For so many good reasons, we want to proclaim your goodness

and entone this song of blessing in your honour.


Memorial of the Lord's supper

We bless you once again, Father and Mother of all of us,

because you gave us the present of Jesus's experience of life

and his prophetic discourse,

a true reflection of the Spirit which you infused in him.

He opted for the poor and oppressed,

to make them stop being so.

We believe in Jesus

and accept his teaching with all our hearts.

Through him we know that

the only sign of identity of those who follow him

is to show the world his saving force,

to follow his mission, to continue his task,

freeing his fellow beings from their bonds

so that they no longer suffer hardship

and become completely happy human beings.

Jesus, the greatest liberator,

asked us to do like him.

And to give ourselves to others without reservations.


Invocation to the Spirit of God

We recall the life of your son Jesus

and we propose to imitate him.

We regret his cruel death,

a supreme example of human injustice,

and we are glad that he now lives with you and forever,

completely happy.

Father God, we implore you to fill us with your Spirit,

which guided Jesus,

so that we may live dedicated

to the introduction of your Kingdom

and work together with all people of goodwill

in making a world of equals,

where justice really prevails.

It's truly a tremendous task, which is beyond us.

Moreover, every day we allow

there to be a greater poverty on earth.

We don't want to reserve our energies,

waiting for the greatest challenges to appear.

At least, we propose to participate like any other person,

supporting with our signature and voice

every cause that looks just to us.

We promise to make our nearest neighbours,

without distinction, happier,

giving whatever favour with a smile,

or opening the doors of our houses to those who have needs.

Give us a heart as large as that of Jesus,

so we may feel ourselves brothers of everyone.

Now are going to pray to you the prayer Jesus taught us

and we invoke you, as a Father,

ours and everyone's Father, without excluding anyone.

We want to offer you, Lord,

a permanent hommage of gratitude.



Rafael Calvo

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